I'm stressed.
When I got home last week, my first task was to pick up my son early from school and take him to his follow-up appointment to see his ENT. He still had fluid behind his ear drum. It sparked a conversation between the baby momma and I about whether or not this dog in my house (it belongs to grandma, not me) is the cause.
You see, my son's asthmatic. But the dog has never been an issue - the little bastard is a lap dog that doesn't shed, who we keep groomed and stuff for that very reason. She insisted it was the dog and after a while I had to call his Pulmonary specialist - his ENT and even the county health department. No one recommended getting rid of the damn dog.
But I went on a cleaning rampage in this place and discovered that this leak in my ceiling has been going on longer than I though - the area rug is actually beginning to rot and I had no idea. Apparently, all those times I blamed the dog for peeing on the rug? It was the roof leaking. Slowly.
Now I'm caught up in some nonsense with the contractor who replaced my roof less than two years ago - and the roof has a two-year warranty! He won't return my calls, and hasn't since February. I've tried and tried and tried and finally called my insurance company, reported the issue to the Better Business Bureau and still - there's a leak in my roof that is likely making my son sick.
And then it was Easter - and I cooked and cleaned and cooked and cleaned - and I'm just exhausted.
Work is being a pain in my ass.
Men are being fickle as ever - like that dude I met on Grindr who flipped out because I told him before we met in person he's full of red flags. He told me not to contact him again because that was rude of me. Of course - there's no mention of the fact that he canceled a lunch date because "I can't afford it," he said ... or that he texted me "I'm filling out a police report - I'll call you later"
Seriously - those are red flags, bitch.
The house still doesn't look clean to me - the car needs fixing - I owe the IRS some money and I have to spend money on making this house asthma-proof. Pulled up carpet, put down laminate flooring - and the fucking health department is coming tomorrow for that free home allergen inspection from the asthma education center.
I feel like I"m just about to shut down.
It's just too much.
The Lina & Philip Chronicles: Pt. 1
1 day ago